Adults who have been baptized Catholic but have not completed their Christian initiation can prepare for Confirmation and/or First Communion. Celebrating these sacraments as an adult allows individuals the chance to learn more about the Church on an adult level and to truly make an adult commitment to their faith. These sacraments convey God's grace to us, affirm God's presence in our lives in the midst of all our challenges and joys, and strengthen us to follow Jesus Christ. It is never too late to celebrate these sacraments -- now is always a good time to seek a deeper relationship with God and a deeper commitment to His Church.
For more information, please contact the Parish Center at (510) 741-4900 or send an e-mail to
Registration for this year is closed but will open again in Summer 2020. Please contact the Parish Center at (510) 741-4900 or send an e-mail to for more information.