In Middle School Ministry, we build the message that God is really with us in everything we do, say and experience. Small group activities are led by our catechists and volunteers. Meetings are filled with sharing sessions, reflection time, prayer experiences and group building activities to help 7th and 8th graders learn that faith weaves through every part of life. We emphasize mutual respect and good listening skills. Registration for the next program year starts in May and closes at the end of September. Classes for Middle School Ministry start in September and end in May. We meet Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm at St. Joseph School.
The FCYouth class is for youth in grades 7 to 12 who are interested in the second year class required to prepare for and receive First Communion. This class meets on Wednesday evenings, 6:30 to 7:45 PM September to May. Please read the following information carefully:
* Students who complete all of the requirements in their first year as a 7th grader in the Middle School Ministry class (Wednesdays) will be eligible to enroll in and attend FCYouth classes as their second year.
* Students in 8th grade who complete all of the first year class requirements in Middle School Ministry will be eligible to enroll and required to attend FCYouth class (Wednesdays) AND Youth Ministry (Mondays) as their sacramental preparation classes for their second year.
* Students in 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th grade who complete all of the class requirements in Youth Ministry (Mondays) will be eligible to enroll and required to attend FCYouth class (Wednesdays) AND Confirmation Preparation (Sundays) as their sacramental preparation classes for their second year.
Youth Ministry invites incoming 9th to 12th grade students to be with each other and Christ Jesus at the same time. Small group activities are led by our Peer Ministry volunteers. Meetings are filled with sharing sessions, reflection time, prayer experiences and group building activities to help Youth Ministry students learn that faith weaves through every part of life. We emphasize mutual respect and good listening skills. Registration for the next program year starts in May and closes at the end of September. Classes for Youth Ministry start in September and end in May. We meet Monday evenings at 6:30 pm at St. Joseph School.
Youth Ministry is the first year requirement for teens in grades 9 to 12 who are interested in the first year class required to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Incoming 9th to 12th grade students who attend one year of parish Youth Ministry and one Youth Ministry retreat are eligible for Confirmation enrollment in the spring of their Youth Ministry year.
For teenagers, Confirmation Preparation offers opportunity and choice to deepen the commitment to the Catholic faith initially made at Baptism. Candidates eligible for Confirmation Preparation are those who attend one year of parish Youth Ministry and one Youth Ministry retreat. During Confirmation class, we: help strengthen the connection to Jesus, offer time for faith sharing and questioning, support times of need, brainstorm service opportunities and teach about the Sacrament of Confirmation. Interaction between candidates is led by Confirmation teachers; these volunteers are committed to helping students grow spiritually.
Confirmation Preparation involves: coming to class, performing projects, fulfilling the Sunday Mass requirement, participation in a weekend retreat, receiving active support from family and sponsors, and so much more. We meet at least twice a month on Sundays, from September to June. The Rite of Confirmation takes place in the spring or early summer at St. Joseph Church, as determined by the Diocese of Oakland.
The Youth Ministry program gains its energy and ideas through 10th-12th graders and college-age young adults in Emmaus Peer Ministry who are committed to sharing the Catholic faith with their peers. This model of ministry promotes closeness and active participation in one's faith community and responsible leadership among peers. We invite interested students to "shadow" our peer ministers during the program year. Applications start in the spring. Peer Ministry is open to past and current Youth Ministry and Confirmation students who actively and regularly practice their Catholic faith. Students are supported regularly through training and enrichment.
There is an ongoing need for young people and young adults to represent their age groups and join in the liturgical ministries at Mass. Participation during Mass can be through any one of the ministries: choir (vocal or musical), usher, or altar server. Young people and young adults who are already Confirmed can participate during Mass as Eucharistic Ministers (communion) or Lectors (readings). We hope to build up representation, involvement and participation in various ministries. Please call the Youth Ministry Office at 510-741-4900 if you would like to collect more information about any of the liturgical ministries.
Websites with content or links of interest for Catholic youth and their families: