This organization is part of the Catholic Federation of Guadalupana Associations in the Oakland Diocese. The main purpose of the Association is to promote devotion to the Most Blessed Virgin of Guadalupe. She was officially declared Patroness of the Americas by his Holiness Pope St. Pius X. The Guadalupana Association offers spiritual and social welfare to Spanish-speaking people by helping them integrate into parish and community life through the celebration of: Señor de Esquipulas, Guatemala; San Juan Bautista, Puerto Rico; Salvador del Mundo, El Salvador; Señor de los Milagros and San Martin de Porres, Perú; Virgen Inmaculada, Nicaragua; Virgen de Guadalupe and Posada for children the Saturday before Christmas. We also offer weekly Rosary on Mondays and Prayer group on Wednesdays, in Spanish, in the Parish Center. Mass is offered by the children on the second Saturday of the month. Other activities include:
For more information, or if you would like to help/participate, please contact Rosamaria Legier at 510-233-9706. The Association meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every month at 7:30 PM in the Parish Hall.
La Asociación Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe de la Iglesia San Jose en Pinole, California, forma parte de la Federacion Catolica de Asociaciones Guadalupanas de la Diocesis de Oakland y su mision es promover la devocion a la Virgen de Guadalupe, Patrona de las Americas, ofreciendo los siguientes servicios: Promueve el bien espiritual y social de la comunidad y su integracion en la vida parroquial, a traves de la celebracion de fiestas patronales: Señor de Esquipulas, Guatemala; San Juan Bautista, Puerto Rico; Señor Salvador del Mundo, El Salvador; Señor de los Milagros y San Martin de Porres, Peru; Inmaculada Concepcion, Nicaragua y la Virgen de Guadalupe. Rosario los dias lunes y Grupo de Oracion los dias miercoles, en español, a las 7:30 pm en el Parish Center. Misa a cargo de los niños en honor a la Virgen, el segundo sabado del mes.
Para mas informacion o si desea ayudar o participar, por favor comunicarse con Rosamaria Legier al 510-233-9706. Las reuniones de la Asociación son el primer martes del mes a las 7:30 PM en el Parish Hall.
The Cursillo is a movement of the Church which by means of its own method makes it possible for people to live what is fundamental for being a Christian, and to live it together. It helps people discover and fulfill their personal vocations, and it promotes the creation of core groups of Christians who leaven their environments with the Gospel, helping them to fulfill their baptismal responsibility: to go forth as apostles and proclaim the Good News of Christ. After living a 3-Day Cursillo, the participants are given tools for perseverance: the Group Reunion and the Ultreya. The Group Reunion is a small group of Cursillo friends that meets on a regular basis to share the growth that has taken place within each person. The Ultreya (Spanish word meaning Onward) is the larger Cursillo community. It is the time for the members of the Group Reunions to meet with other Group Reunions. The Ultreya is beneficial in providing the support and encouragement needed to persevere. Meetings: See Parish Bulletin.
Holy Hour with Eucharistic Exposition, Evening Prayer, and Benediction is held on the First Friday. We seek to foster and encourage devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Eucharistic Holy Hour, ending with Benediction is held each Friday after the 9:00 am Mass.
We invite parishioners to seek a deeper personal relationship with God through communal worship, praise, and song. Through our prayer we intercede for the needs of the parish - both personal and collective. All are welcome to come join us. Meetings: Wednesday mornings from 10:30 am - noon in the Parish Center.
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The St. Niño statue is brought to homes to encourage families to pray together. The annual feast of Santo Niño is the 2nd Saturday of January.
For more Information contact
Evelyn Rabutaso (
The image is circulated in homes within the community to encourage family devotion to the Divine Mercy. The parish novena is on the Thursday before the 1st Friday of the month. The feast is on Divine Mercy Sunday.
is brought to every home to foster family prayer. The annual feast of Our Lady of Fatima is celebrated on the 2nd Saturday of October.
Every Wednesday after 9:00 am Mass the group prays this popular novena for the intercession of Our Mother. The feast is celebrated in June.
statue is brought to every home to encourage family devotion. The group sponsors hospitality every 2nd Sunday of the month and also coordinates the "Salubong" during Christmas. The feast is celebrated in the month of May.
Facilitates the early morning novena of Advent Masses from December 16 to 24, in preparation for Christmas.
For more information please contact:
Aida Torres ( )