Mark your Calendars for Masses, Church and Ministry Events

  • March 29 - Saturday of the Third Week of Lent

    9:00am - Mass

    2:30pm - 4:00pm - Confession

    4:30pm - Mass 

    6:00pm - Spanish Mass

  • March 30 - Fourth Sunday of Lent Year C Readings

    8:00am - Mass

    10:00am - Mass

    12:00pm - Mass

    5:00pm - Mass

  • March 31 - Monday of the Fourth Week of Lent


  • April 1 - Tuesday of the Fourth Week of Lent


  • April 2 - Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Lent


  • April 3 - Thursday of the Fourth Week of Lent

    9:00am - Mass

  • April 4 - Friday of the Fourth Week of Lent

    9:00am - Mass

    7:00pm - Stations of the Cross.

    Note: No first Friday Mass

  • April 5 - Saturday of the Fourth Week of Lent

    9:00am  - Mass

    2:30pm - 4:00pm - Confession

    4:30pm - Mass

    6:00pm - Spanish Mass

  • April 12 - Saturday of the Fifth Week of Lent

    9:00am - Mass

    2:30pm - 4:00pm - Confession

    4:30pm - Palm Sunday Mass 

    6:30pm - Spanish Mass

  • April 13 - Palm Sunday of the Lord s Passion

    8:00am - Mass

    10:00am - Mass

    12:00pm - Mass

    5:00pm - Mass

  • April 17 - Holy Thursday

    8:00am - Liturgy of the Hour

    7:30pm - Celebration of the Lord's Supper

    Adoration until Midnight

  • April 18 -Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion

    8:00am - Liturgy of the Hour

    10:00am - Stations of the Cross

    12:00pm - 7 Last words

    3:00pm - Celebration of the Lord's Passion

    6:00pm - Spanish Services

  • April 19 - Holy Saturday

    8:00am -Liturgy of the Hour 

    7:30pm - Easter Vigil

  • April 20 - The Resurrection of the Lord The Mass of Easter Day

    6:00am - Mass

    8:00am - Mass

    10:00am - Mass

    12:00pm - Mass

    2:00pm - Spanish

    NO 5:00pm MASS

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