Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I hope you had a wonderful time celebrating with your loved ones on Valentine’s Day! The heart is the great symbol of this day, and today, I speak to you from my heart to yours. It is only with the heart that we can truly hear and understand one another.
As a child, attending Mass was one of the highlights of my week, especially the Sunday celebration. As an adult, I have come to appreciate even more the profound meaning and beauty of this sacred gathering. The Psalmist beautifully expresses this truth: “Every day I will bless you, and I will praise your name for ever and ever” (Psalm 145).
Our Sunday gathering is the high point and summit of our Christian journey. It is during this time that God speaks to us through His Word and nourishes us in the Body and Blood of His Son, Jesus Christ. Therefore, we are called to active, full, and conscious participation—to be one and focused on our worship.
As your pastor, I am sharing with you some thoughts that I hope will help us all celebrate our faith and our life with God in a more meaningful way. In following the same command God gave to Moses, I say to you: “Speak to the whole Israelite community and tell them: Be holy, for I, the Lord your God, am holy.” (Leviticus 19:2) It takes openness and humility to live out these practices in our daily lives.
Here are some ways we can deepen our reverence and devotion during Mass:
1. Dress appropriately to honor the Eucharistic celebration, for you are meeting the Lord. Please remove any hats or baseball caps before entering the church.
2. Arrive on time and refrain from speaking during Mass. Let us help create a quiet, prayerful atmosphere where we can fully engage in worship.
3. Turn off your cell phones and other electronic devices or leave them in your car. If you forget, please avoid answering them during Mass.
4. Refrain from eating, drinking, or chewing gum during Mass. Also, please avoid asking for change during the collection.
5. Honor the Word of God by listening attentively and arriving on time to hear it.
6. Acknowledge the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist and receive Communion with reverence by:
• Making a slight bow when approaching the Eucharist.
• Saying “Amen” with conviction, not “Thank you,” and joyfully placing the Eucharist into your mouth.
• Taking time to pray and give thanks after receiving Communion.
• Participate fully by singing and joining in the common prayers— “full and conscious” participation.
• Show hospitality by cleaning up your pew when you leave, even if you are not responsible for the mess.
• Stay for the final blessing and remain in the church until the presider and ministers have processed it out.
Respect the sacredness of the Church property, including the bathrooms, gardens, and other areas. Please do not litter or deface the walls and tables.
May you find joy in humbly practicing these principles. I believe that many of us may not fully grasp the depth of our celebration, but we cannot continue to overlook these essential aspects of our worship and community life.
Everything we do here is crucial to our relationship with God and one another. In Him, we find true joy and peace. Hope in Him. Believe in Him. He is our God, yesterday, today, and forever—the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning, and the End.
As the Psalmist says: “Give thanks to the Lord, for His love is everlasting.”
In Christ’s Love,
Fr. Geoffrey